Wednesday 6 April 2016


 Lately,  Jack-fruits are plenty.. N... the fruit in season across London. But you have to know where to find them.

Not in mainstream supermarkets. Go for inner-city Indian or S Asian shops. The small portion above is about 10 % of the whole, huge fruit...known as "Fenesi" or "Mafenesi" in Swahili. Originally from South Asia. Considered the national fruit of Bangladesh...plenty in the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia and tropical Africa....not cheap London tho'. Around £5. Equivalent  to approx 7 US Dollars or 12, 000  Tanzanian Shs.

I also eat the nuts. Soak in water , boil  then fry or mesh with vegetables- just like cashews, pumpkin seeds, almonds, Brasil nuts etc. Actually they look like Brazilian Nuts (below).

  As a kid growing on slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro I remember us eating everything including the white husk ("makapi") of the actual fruit. Teeth gymnastics.

Interesting  is how those born in the cosmopolitan parts of the world - never heard of the fruit. I offered post- 1990 born young guys the fruit.  the other day. One quipped  : "It is too sweet."
But don't  you find chocolate and other packaged, chemicalised stuff for sale,  too sweet?
"Ah that is different!"
Chant in unison. Song of the times. Urban madness.
It is tragic that natural tastes are unknown to  our "modern" cosmopolitan generation. Needs to- not just travel- but be better informed. By who? 

I usually eat fruits in similar groups. Acidic on their own. Mellon alone.   Avocado - the king and queen  of fruits, solo.  Sweet or alkaline on their own. Above is Jack-fruit with other Sweet Fruits i.e. Custard Apple, Dates, Bananas, Mangoes, etc.
Some major advantages of eating Jack-fruit include antioxidant,digestive aid,  helping the immune system and multivitamins.
Read more on Benefits of Jack-fuit HERE

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