Wednesday 4 February 2015


Another super duper  Exiled Writers Ink! ...occasion.

Amnesty International  offices in  London.
 Hidden along a quite street an area renowned for clubbing, young students, business and so on. But here we are seated talking of literature, rewards of literature, beauty of literature, lull and love of literature. Winners of literature... writing swimming pool.  Words power...

 Dr Jennifer Langer of EWI comperes the evening watched by Dr Fatieh Saudi- collecter of all the poems for the 2014 competition. As the dazzling evening hurtled, Dr Saudi also read a poem about the 1982 Lebanese bombing. Chilling memories.

One of the judges, Dr Alev Adil, announces the winners. Her counterparts were  Michael  Zand and award winning poet,  Daljit Nagra.

Exiled Writers Ink, organizer Dr Jennifer Langer  eked out another effort, where winners of a poetry contest were announced, read their works and well there was music too.
Some members of Le Gazhikane Muzikante band in action; watched by Compere Jennifer Langer . 

The winners were
Number one- Usha Kishore....(Indian born, British writer and translator) who did not attend but had a representative, who recited her brilliant writing.
Usha Kishore, winner. Pic from her Website

Second winner - Atar Hadari Y- Israeli born, British citizen. It was a pleasure to hear Atar's reading his winning poem too. He has an amazing way with words.
The man with the Hat reads his second winner. Pic by author

Third winner -Elwira Danak - Born in Poland....She started writing poetry only aged eight.

Elwira's book, Letters to a Peanut  on  Amazon

The three runners up for this contest, the first for EWI were

Najma Saher- of Pakistan origin and style has been described as laconic...

Selam Kidane-from Eritrea. Human rights campaigner who writes regularly
 Selam Kidane pic from iisd Site

Sarah Lubala - Congo born. Said her winning poem had been inspired (or motivated, therefore reborn) after death of her grand father in the troubled Congo recently. It was amazing watching her being elegant and composed yet able to recite a really powerful emotionally, charged poem.
Sarah Lubala....recites her  poem watched by Dr Langer.

Yes it was Thursday 15th January, 2015. Cold, frosty night yet, filled with the warmth of elegance, meetings of different cultures, academics, literary connoisseurs,  art and you know what. Check out the coming events on the EWI, in the Covent Garden area.
 Blog author drums a congratulatory piece in Swahili.
Yes rhythms, words and positive vibes. Video filmed by Iranian poet Dr Abol Froushan....

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