He and I hit it off immediately; he soon created a colourful mural for my stage performance which I used for many, many years.
Akiwali's famous painting " Drink"
Akiwali is a human factory, forever chuckling, your typical art troubadour; creating pictures as he moves, exhibiting them alone or with bands, musicians, poets, other artists, you name it. He goes everywhere: villages, towns, huge cities, schools, festivals, streets, concert halls, living rooms, by the river side, on bus stations, hippy camps, etc.
He has stories from all over the globe Japan, Ghana, Spain, UK...
Although this painter travels, sells and exhibits, he always goes back to Jamaica.
"Mih luv Jamaica..."
Is his motto...
Like the poet icon Mutabaruka, this Rasta believes in restoring your energy and creativity by keeping in touch with one's preferred surroundings. No wonder his spirits are always high, cheerful, vibrant,thoughtful, proud, original.
Check his paintings here
I love his believes of restoring energy and creativity. It is very true that you have to be in the right surroundings.
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