Music and Poetry from the Home of Free and Brave…
Outside it is chilly, so chilly that you are relieved to vanish inside...
One of the ladies smoking by the doors, whispers shshshsssh as the session downstairs is already on. Always the same story at Poetry Café. Because of the creaky floorboards, any step magnifies like a wild herd of running deer…
“This is the first time in 8 years that I have not felt embarrassed being American,” quips tall, confident, Barbara Marsh one of the four performers, her acoustic guitar, a treasured medal.
Yes, indeed; this is an extremely chilly evening, early 2009. Fifth of January; Monday, "voted" worst day of the year, after Christmas holidays
Barbara's repetitive, wailing, chorus line:
woes and goes and puffs on and on...aided by experienced picking and strumming.
Barbara rocks...
We are all curled up listening: sipping wine, tea, coffee; mobiles tuned to silence by our semi-frozen fingers; some too scared to let go our jackets; winter is the enemy within.
Like many others you are curious to hear what the four writers have to say. Signed, Sealed, Delivered....Oyee.. There is a new leadership in the USA.